Working from home – The need we now all seem to have for multifunctioning spaces!
Now that the nights are drawing in we all start to view our spaces & homes very differently. With the change of the clocks here in the UK this coming weekend it often kickstarts our need to nest/hibernate a little more than we did all summer despite it not being the best British summer, a bit of a wash out but with some very sunny spells in between :-) -Lets all remember that the world didn’t just change with the pandemic in 2020, this has been the norm for most people with the change of our seasons.
Parents, half term over… hunker down & or do all of the below depending on your life choices.
Animal owners, clocks change- see to animals at silly times of the day usually by torch light & with a dry robe or similar big coat not too far to hand.
Exercisers- May try to combine their commute or lunch break to fit it all in or like the latter they may take to using hi viz & a head torch to boot.
“Work type” spaces, such as offices, factories, warehouses, studios are where some of us choose or prefer to be – but many work at home & achieve the same work out put as others.
So, thinking about both homes offices & work spaces do we just “live with” the space we have out of necessity or make the space work well for us & for those who we are sharing our space with be it: children, animals, partners, co workers or simply ourselves.
This beautiful work space was created for a Mum of two in Norfolk
What does the space mean to her?
Somewhere she can work uninterrupted when needing to be on calls or simply to concentrate when the hustle & bustle of everyday life continues outside of these four walls.
A sanctuary that she knows is her own, to feel at peace & makes herself smile as it is full of all her favourite things.
A door she can close when returning to spending time with her beautiful family.
An inspiring space to let creative juices flow or just take some time away from the screen
Things to consider when creating your own space whether that be for work or any other reason such as Yoga or Cooking perhaps:
Logistics of budget & time – what can you afford and how long will it take?
The space- Can a large room be partitioned/zoned off? Be that by a physical piece of furniture or screen or even a rug to identify it as a separate area. Can an already allocated room be redesigned to incorporate what it is you are hoping to achieve?
Light, heat, comfort & functionality all are important things to consdider.
Amenities – Does the space have what it needs? For example: Tech equipment such as printers, smart home devices for lighting heating, & much more. Time saving or state of the art cooking/baking equipment…A yoga mat!
A sense of calm or a sense of dynamic motivation? That is all- Namaste
At Morris Molloy Interior Design We offer:
Interior Design Brainstorm Consultations.
We want to help you solve whatever design dilemmas you may have
Let us help you to answer these questions :-)
We offer One Room Interior Design
Where we will help you to be able to completely transform any room in your home and leave you with ALL of the tools to be able to implement the designs yourself.
Or we offer our Full Interior Design Service
This is a full turnkey interior design service for anyone wanting the complete hassle-free package-Everything is done for you.
How to start the process – firstly have an open mind – yes you need to brain storm all the available options – without restrictions of budgets, space etc, ask yourself what your ideal working environment would look like? It’s a starting point to get ideas flowing.